
The Nursery has a full set of Policies that underpin all areas of practice.  New Parents are introduced to them during their ‘Welcome Meeting’ and new staff during their Induction.  All Policies are revisited and reviewed annually and we seek to ensure that they reflect the high standards that prevail within the nursery at all times.

To see the latest Policies, call the Nursery Office, or you can view them HERE.



The Nursery School believes that ALL children and young people have the right to protection. The welfare of children is paramount.

We are totally committed to the protection of children and consider that Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility – the needs of each child must come first.

We follow stringent Safer Recruitment processes, and all staff are trained to recognize and identify signs of abuse or neglect and the procedures outlined in the Policy will be followed in the case of any suspected or alleged incident relating to any child at Nursery.

Staff undertake a range of different Safeguarding and Child Protection courses, to ensure they are fully up-to-speed with the latest developments.

The Child Protection policy is available for you to read, along with all our other Policies, on this website.